The Dardenne Family

The Dardenne Family

Monday, July 14, 2008

Appointment Day and Time

Tomorrow is our appointment with the SDA. Our appointment time is 10:00am (2am for those of you at home). This is the time we will sit down in the governmental offices of Ukraine and look at files of children that are available for adoption. We'll post an update after that meeting.

We got lots of sleep last night and feel like we've somewhat recuperated from jet lag. We ate lunch at McDonald's (we weren't feeling very adventurous)! We spent quite a bit of time walking around the city and taking in the sights. Tonight we met up with a couple from Ohio that's also here to adopt and had dinner with them. The food was really good and it was fun to visit and compare notes with others who are going through the same process as us.


Unknown said...

You don't know me but I'm praying for you and your appointment. By the way, did you take your children with you or not? We have 3 about that age, we can't imagine bringing them for all that but we also can't imagine leaving them either. :)

Kathy and Matt said...

Thanks for updating us on your appt date and time. We'll be praying for you!

Wasn't it nice to meet up with another American family? I know when we had the chance to do so (3 times while there) it was great to talk to others in the same process and to just speak English!

The Flying Eagle said...

You were in our prayers today. We hope all went well with your travels and at your appt. Thank you for sharing your story. Monica & David

The D'Antuono Family said...

Good luck with your appointment. We are traveling in Sept., so I will be following your journey with such hope! Thank you for sharing!
